
The Role Of The Trustee
Trustees are persons who have been elected and entrusted by the members of a church conference to act as the lessee.
Trustees are the ones who hold the deeds, and titles of the church, maintains all properties, real estate, church edifices, parsonages, lighting, and energy needs such as air conditioning, electricity, computers, insurances, and mortgage payments.
They shall make improvements upon said property or real estate when authorized to do so by a majority of the legal members of the church.
They shall secure by, purchase or hire, a house for the Pastor’s family and also comfortably furnish it and shall pay the moving expense of the Pastor and family from their previous assignment.
Any and all property of the local AME church is the property of the connection, therefore the process of the sale of any property should go through the proper channels which should be as follows:
The church conference conveys to the Quarterly Conference which shall approve all sales of church property and make a resolution that passes and approves the sale of any property, it then must go before the conference trustees who will make the final approval of for the property.
This process must be done, as it relates to anything dealing with church property, mortgages or loans against property.
To assist the trustee board with their administration process.
The Trustee As An Observer
It is important that every trustee makes a cognitive effort to habitually peruse, and scrutinize the facility. It is the job of the trustee board to make sure that the church facility is always clean, inviting, and welcoming. If this is to occur then we must pay close attention to details such as lighting, exit signs, fire extinguishers, handicap access, and potential accident places just to name a few.
President Pro tem
Danny Johnson
Pro Tem
Linda Murray