Class Leaders
Duties of the Class Leaders
Class Leaders in the African Methodist Episcopal Church are sub-Pastors, and as such are appointed by the preacher in charge the Pastor has the responsibility of serving as overseer and Shepherd of the entire flock and as such must appoint class leaders to assist them in this role, therefore the class leader can be perceived as a proxy Pastor.
Class Leaders were started by John Wesley at the birth of Methodism, each congregation was divided into small companies, called classes, according to their respective places of abode, and one of them was appointed the leader. The duties of the class leaders should be to visit the sick, and the bereaved, to inform the Pastor of those persons who are going in for surgery, who have had lost loved ones, and to share the names of those who have been absent from services for an extended period of time. To assist you in your role as Class Leaders I would like for us to consider the following committees.
Executive Committee
- Assign new members to classes
- Identify those who should be deleted from the roll
- Identify who should receive M.I.A. letters
- Identify who has left with or without a certificate
- Recommend persons to serve as Exhorters
Bereavement Committee
- Assist the steward board with dinner for families.
- Inform the Pastor and office of members who have died.
- And those who are having surgery.
- Inform the Pastor of members in the hospital.
Membership Committee
- Establish a database for membership roll.
- Work on a pictorial directory.
- Make sure there is a preparatory roll (12 and under).
- Identify the total cumulative roll.
- Make sure new members are in the new member class.
- Assemble new member kits.
Special Committee
- Organize annual Class Leaders’ day.
- Encourage members to participate in Pastor’s support.
- Make sure each member has a class leader.
- Encourage members to attend love feast.
Vice Chair
Sister Teleta Jackson