Our History
Many attempts were made to organize an A.M.E. Church in Oak Cliff, and so it was those great warriors, Sister Bertha Miles, Sister J.M.E. Turner, Sister Annie Poole, Sister Elizabeth Harris and Brother Elizah J. Cole who launched out in God’s name under the leadership of Reverend Garth, to build this great church. Smith Chapel was named for Reverend Wilson Smith because of his untiring efforts and support.
In 1912, the church held services in a house on Gaston Road, now known as South Moore Street. Later services were moved to Anthony Street in a brush arbor, then to a hall on Noah and Anthony Streets. The church later moved to 1225 East Tenth Street.
The first pastor of this church was Reverend Hubbard. The lot at 1225 East Tenth Street was purchased and paid for under the leadership of Reverend J.L. Johnson. Under the leadership of Reverend Coleman, the tabernacle was torn down, and a building was erected. The remodeling of this building was started by Reverend H.L. Boyd and was completed by Reverend I.G. Greene. However, it was Reverend J.R. McGee who had presented the proposal for purchasing the “Skyline Baptist Church” located at 2406 Childs Street and Reverend B.C. Brock completed the deal. On June 12, 1958, we entered the “new” Smith Chapel A.M.E. Church located here at 2406 Childs Street.
Over the years, God has blessed us with a number of pastors and ministers who have made definite contributions to the spiritual growth and success of this great church of Allen, namely: Reverend Morgan, Reverend Brown, Reverend Franklin, Reverend Bennett, Reverend E.H. Davis, Reverend Womack, Reverend Behn, Reverend R.T. Thomas, Reverend Randolph (Randy) N. Reed, Reverend O. Thomas Austin, Reverend W.E. Carter, Reverend James (Andy) R. Anderson, Reverend James W. Ford, Reverend Darrell G. Caldwell, Sr., and Reverend Sylvester Patton, III.
To date, Reverends Austin, Ford, Caldwell and Patton are our only living former pastors.
However, the legacy and mission continues with the November 2012 appointment of another great pastor, preacher and teacher in the person of Reverend Dr. C. Dennis Williams whose goal is for Smith Chapel to expand its vision of ministry and work beyond the church walls. As part of that goal, the church is now able to reach the community and the world through our website and Facebook accounts. In November, we held our first, of many to come, “Church In the Streets” worship service under Pastor Williams’ direction. This year, he has issued us the challenge to never offer God that which cost us nothing. Therefore, Smith Chapel has adopted the theme for 2020, “Finish Strong!”Acts 20:24